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How does a headache affect a person?

Headache interferes with work and family duties. Unfortunately, not knowing when the next headache attack will be can ruin the enjoyment of a planned vacation.

The following examples illustrate how headaches (as a disease) can interfere with people’s lives and cause serious problems:

  • learning problems – headaches can make learning difficult due to frequent absences from school, difficulty concentrating and learning new information
  • problems in the workplace – workers are often absent due to illness or if they try to work, they are unproductive. Sometimes the fear of headaches can make workers indifferent (to looking for a new job or to new achievements in the workplace).
  • inability to do housework – people are unable to do daily housework, go shopping, take care of their children and relatives
  • problems with family , social activity and free time – people with headaches are unable to participate in normal family and social activities (for example, they may refuse to go on holiday or a social event) and this may reflect on their relationships with their partners, children, friends
  • financial value – people with headaches should have funds for pain relievers or their prescribed treatment. During their lifetime, some people with headaches may find that they are paid less than people they know who do not suffer from the condition.

How to prevent a migraine attack?

The main thing is to organize your daily life in such a way as to protect you from the onset of a migraine attack:

  • exclude factors leading to migraines – this applies not only to possible unfavorable foods and drinks, but also to other irritating factors such as stress, excessive work and tension at work or heavy physical exertion
  • strive for a regular daily rhythm – adhere to a precisely defined rhythm of falling asleep and waking up, even during vacations, vacations and weekends. Get enough sleep, but not too much. Eat at specific times. A typical weekend sleep-in combined with a late breakfast can trigger a migraine attack.
  • plan your day well – it is important to plan each day according to your actual capabilities. If you are working too much, calmly say “no” to yourself and finish what you planned for the next day. Use your vacations!
  • optimize your physical activity – ride a bike, walk in the fresh air, swim, run long and slowly. These forms of sports lead to the stabilization of the body-spiritual balance. Do not overwork yourself! Follow the following motto: “Only as much as brings you joy and makes you feel good”!.
  • spend your free time and vacations calmly and without undue stress. The stress of preparing for the holiday or “leisure stress” can cause an attack. So you better slow down! When you rest, do it with pleasure! This will reduce the risk of developing a migraine attack.

What are the methods of drug treatment?

Drug treatment includes remedies against severe headache, nausea and vomiting . In severe pain, it is recommended to take drugs whose action is directed against the expansion of blood vessels, characteristic of the period of an attack.

In people who often suffer from migraines (two, three or more times a month), as well as in severe prolonged attacks that do not respond to the usual painkillers, long-term treatment with certain drugs is usually started.

The goal is to reduce the frequency and intensity of attacks. Usually, this treatment is long-term – from several months to years.

More about the most commonly used medications in the treatment of migraine can be found HERE link to an article on treatment

What are the non-drug methods of treatment?

These include the forms of conscious relaxation of tension (self-training ), which are best mastered directly under the guidance of a therapist or in a training group. They are suitable for migraine prevention and can possibly relieve acute cases of pain.

Autogenic training – practice relaxing slowly and gradually – first the arms and legs, then the whole body. This leads to inner peace. This form of decompression requires above all patience, and it is necessary to take time every day to practice it to its fullest.

Gradual muscle unloading is another technique that is recommended for many chronic or intermittent disease states. In progressive muscle unloading, purposeful loading and relaxation of certain muscle groups alternate. After daily training at home, sensitivity to pain and irritation and their duration are reduced. The aforementioned can be used by patients under stress through special behavioral training and stress management training. However, this should be done under the supervision of a specialist. Treatment of migraine attacks depends on the severity of the pain. For mild migraines, a cup of coffee and some rest sometimes help to prevent pain.

What are the treatment options for migraine?

Although migraines cannot be completely cured , there are numerous successful solutions to quickly control the pain and stabilize the condition.

Migraine treatment has two goals:

  • successful reduction of severe attacks
  • creating a regime that improves the quality of life (prevents the occurrence of attacks)

A number of non-drug as well as drug treatment methods have proven to be successful.

How to navigate that it is a migraine?

If you have all three of the symptoms described below, you most likely have a migraine!

You have repeated attacks lasting 4 to 72 hours each in combination with the signs (symptoms) described below.

You have two of the following four symptoms:

  • moderate to severe pain
  • pain on one side of the head
  • headache that is throbbing or throbbing
  • headache impairing normal activity

You have one of the following three symptoms:

  • you have an aura (warning signs)
  • you have the urge to vomit during a headache
  • you have increased sensitivity to light and sound during the headache

What is focal migraine?

This is a particular type of migraine, most often caused by taking birth control pills. It is characterized by the following symptoms – partial paralysis, numbness or tingling on one side of the body (i.e. arm and/or leg), temporary slurred speech or loss of vision on one side only, as if half the field of vision is covered by something . In addition, there may be another visual effect – tunnel vision, in which the patient has the feeling that he is looking through a small opening, around which everything is black. A bright light may shine at the edges of this opening.

If any of these symptoms are present, the birth control pills should be stopped immediately .

The patient should not take a medicine that contains estrogen. You can take contraceptive pills containing only progesterone.

What are the causes of migraine attacks?

There is no pattern to when and how often migraine attacks occur. Mental factors such as stress, problems in professional and personal life, fear of exams can be provoking. Interestingly, however, migraines only start when the problematic situation has already been resolved, for example at the end of the week, during vacation or at the end of an important exam.

On the other hand, there are also a number of factors that are believed to play the role of a ” trigger mechanism” of attacks :

  • hormonal changes and in particular menstruation – those affected suffer from an attack before or during a menstrual cycle. For some women, migraines start with their first period. During pregnancy and menopause (after the cessation of menstruation), many women do not experience seizures.
  • change in weather or change in climate (more often spring and autumn) – those reacting to this irritant should not be exposed to large temperature amplitudes, for example sudden direct solar radiation
  • physical exertion – excessive physical exertion with impulsive movements or static loading (for example, weight lifting and other power sports) is not recommended for migraine sufferers. The situation is quite different in sports with moderate physical exertion, such as slow, prolonged running, swimming, cycling. Such forms of movement can reduce the frequency of attacks.
  • certain foods and drinks – some foods – chocolate, cheese, salami, citrus fruits, onions, nuts, fish, fried fatty foods, liver, meat extracts, canned foods are mentioned as migraine triggers. Some drinks such as tea, coffee, cocoa, red wine, southern fruit juice can also provoke an attack of migraine headache. Partly responsible for this are certain chemicals contained in foods and drinks (for example, some types of cheese have tyramine and histamine) that affect blood vessels and could trigger a pain attack with sensitive blood vessels. Similar attacks have been observed in some people after drinking red wine, and the reason for this is most likely due to certain additives in the wine.
  • various radiations – prolonged use of a computer or watching TV, as well as the flickering of the screen can lead to an attack
  • some medications – taken in high doses, for a long time and without medical supervision, painkillers or birth control pills can worsen the general condition and increase the frequency of migraine attacks. Therefore, it is very important for each patient to receive detailed information from their doctor about drugs that relieve acute attacks.
  • only a doctor can prescribe the appropriate treatment for each specific situation

What happens in a migraine?

Many people suffering from migraines have a hereditary predisposition , and under certain conditions an attack can develop. However, the exact mechanism of migraine is not fully understood. Functional changes in the vessels of the brain, in the activity of nerve cells and some biochemical processes often occur with this disease.

When the nerve impulses reach the vessels of the brain shell, substances are released that expand the blood vessels , make them permeable and lead to changes in chemical processes. This causes an attack of headache, which is accompanied by vegetative reactions such as nausea and vomiting, sweating and others.

In people whose migraine attack is preceded by an aura, the large blood vessels first narrow as a result of an inflammatory reaction . As a result, neurological signs of aura such as itching, nervousness and visual disturbances appear. Then the cerebral blood vessels expand, intensifying their pulsations, and the pain phase begins.

Recently, the so-called basilar (syncopal) migraine (from “syncope” – a sudden short-term disturbance of consciousness). It is characterized by an attack of severe headache, which is preceded by vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss, double vision, slurred speech (dysarthria), staggering when walking (ataxia) even to the point of falling, and bilateral tingling in the body (paresthesias). . The aura undergoes reverse development for about 10-30 minutes, after which the headache attack occurs. Sometimes before its development, a syncopal condition may be registered (hence the name syncopal migraine) or the patient may become confused. This type of migraine is primarily seen in young women and children.

Syncopal (basilar) migraine requires urgent medical attention from a neurologist.

What is the post attack phase or recovery phase?

After the headache subsides or goes away completely, people with migraines often have other symptoms that last for a long time before completely returning to normal. These are mainly drowsiness and adynamia (feeling of fatigue, apathy).

The frequency of migraine attacks varies widely. Some get only two to three attacks a year, others suffer several times a month. Attacks vary in severity and are often unpredictable.

The three stages (phases) are not usually seen during a single attack. Severity varies from moderate pain with little interference with physical activity to acute headache and a prolonged period of reduced work capacity. No two attacks occur at the same time in a person with migraine.

Although migraines can be very severe, it is important to understand that eventually the attack will pass and a person will regain their ability to work.

What is a migraine attack phase?

In about 20% of cases, the migraine is preceded by what is known in the professional language as an ” aura ” (harbinger of a migraine attack). Usually, aura symptoms last from 20 minutes to 1 hour before a headache . It is a question of various visual disturbances in which the patient sees stars, lights or broken zigzag lines.

This also includes problems with hearing, speech, confusion, “pins and needles ” in various parts of the body and face. Unpleasant itching of the hands and feet may also occur. Sufferers of migraine with aura have a better chance of eliminating the migraine in time, or at least reducing its impact, because they anticipate the attack and can take the necessary medication early.

The aura may disappear before the headache starts, but it may also last during the headache itself.

The headache is the worst part of a migraine attack. It is usually painful, throbbing, located on one side – mainly in the area of ​​the forehead and temple. However, the pain during an attack can also be bilateral. The headache is usually worse during physical activity , such as walking and climbing stairs. But a migraine is not just a headache!

Almost always, the headache during an attack is accompanied by nausea and vomiting , disturbances in vision, vegetative manifestations, hot and cold waves, sweating or diarrhea may occur. The ability to work deteriorates sharply. Many migraine headache sufferers become extremely sensitive to light, noise, sound and smell.

That is why during an attack they look for darkened rooms and a calm environment. If no treatment is applied, an attack can last from a few hours to three days , most often one day, during which time the sufferer is completely unable to work. After the attack subsides, a person feels completely healthy.

What is the warning phase (stage) of migraine?

This phase of the migraine lasts a few hours , but can last more than a few days. It includes the so-called warning signs:

  • feeling tired
  • yawning
  • mood swings
  • increased appetite for certain foods
  • increasing sensitivity to smells, light, noise

More than six in ten people with migraines may have these warning signs.

How does a typical migraine manifest itself?

Although migraine does not occur in the same way for every patient, the following manifestations can be considered as common – migraine is characterized by the so-called a migraine attack , which can occur suddenly or develop slowly over hours.

Migraine attacks can be divided into three phases or (stages), and many people with migraine do not go through all of them:

  • warning phase (stage)
  • attack phase
  • post attack phase

Who suffers from migraines?

One in ten people suffer from migraines. Nearly 10% of the population suffers from this disease, with a clear predominance of the female sex (2 out of every 3 cases), one in every 20 men also suffers from migraine.

For many people, the disease first appears in childhood or adolescence, and for others in adulthood.

The most frequently affected group of the population is between 25 and 55 years of age . The reasons why people suffer from migraines are still unknown, but it is clear that there is a family history , ie. people with migraine are related by blood to others suffering from the same condition. Many of the specific brain mechanisms responsible for the development of migraine are still unclear.


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